A monotonous noise coming from my window.
I shrugged it off, presuming it was only a branch or something of the like.
But 3 seconds later, there it was
again. Something hitting off of my glass windowpane. It’ll go away eventually, I reassured myself. This wasn’t the first
time this had happened, however the last occurrence resulted in me running out
to my mother in tears, just to have her roll her eyes and tell me it was the
limb of a tree, pairing with the wind to taunt me with the rhythmic racket.
I rolled over, turning my back to the
windows and shutting my eyes. Tap. I
threw my blankets off in frustration, and stepped into the frigid night air. Tap, tap. The steady beat became
slightly faster as I approached the source of the noise, as if it was
suspenseful music playing during the climax of a horror movie.

I hoped that wasn’t the case.
I eventually pulled a pillow from
under my head and covered my ears with it. I felt like the hammering noises
were reverbing off the inside of my cranium, causing my head to ache. I was
being driven insane, every twinging thud feeling as if it was being tapped on
the interior of my skull, not the exterior of my house.
The pounding continued still,
escalating from quiet taps to what seemed like full blown fists banging on the
glass. I stuck my head out slightly from under my covers and peered at my alarm
clock. 2:58 am. I felt my room shake as the glass of my window bent under the
pressure of the beating it was taking. How hadn’t it shattered yet? An even
better question, why hadn’t anyone else in my house come to check what was
happening? Surely they were able to hear it…right?
I checked the clock once more, almost
drowning out the sounds coming from outside. I watched as the red numbers
changed from 2:59 to 3am.
I felt my ears ring, the silence
startling me. The pounding had finally ceased, to my relief. Not even bothering
to investigate, I shut my eyes and let long awaited sleep overcome me.
Not again?! What had I done to deserve
this? I buried my face into my hands and screamed.
Except, this time it didn’t sound like
the taps were coming from my window, this time it didn’t seem like they were
outside at all. What was going on?
I felt a chill go through me as I
shuddered in realization. This time, the taps weren’t coming from outside my
windows. They were coming from outside my bedroom door.