Matthew Ledrew our Celebrity Judge is hard at work picking the 3 main prize winners from all our tremendous finalists. Who will it be? I don't is a secret until tomorrow night when he announces it. I love surprises! Here is a list of our 18 Finalists... Congratulations One and all!
Hope to see you all at Irwin Court at the Arts and Culture Centre tomorrow night at 7pm. Feel free to bring friends and family and be ready for a spooky good time!
All eighteen finalists have been notified! I have either talked to your parents, teachers or left you a message.
To find out who wins the grand prize the finalists will meet at the Arts and Culture Centre (Irwin Court) on Friday November 1 at 7pm. Bring family and friends with you to meet our celebrity judge Matthew Ledrew. If you have any questions call me, Julia Mayo @ 737-2621.
Our judges are hard at work reviewing all of our awesome entries! Finalists will be contacted Monday October 28. Our Awards ceremony is taking place at Irwin Court in the Arts and Culture Centre Friday November 1 (All Saints Day) at 7pm. Finalists are asked come and feel free to bring along family, teachers or best friends. Our celebrity Judge for 2013 Matthew Ledrew will announce the 3 main winners and present them with their prizes.
What happens now you ask?......well I must go forth and gather the entries, confer with the squad of volunteer semi finalist judges and help choose the semi finalists. When they have been chosen they will be contacted. Thank you to all of you fabulous authors who have entered. I can't wait to dig in.
Check back here in a couple of days for more info.
Need more time? Well you got it! Please drop off your entries NLT Monday October 21 at a St John's Public Library or send it to me at . Don't forget your contact info. Refer to the Contest Rules page for more info.
Fear not there is still time! I myself love deadlines....I love the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by!
The Deadline is Friday October 18, however we will accept entries as late as Monday Oct 21
Get those creativity caps fastened firmly to your knowledgeable noggins! Feel that crisp autumn air, see the leaves as they fall from the trees and crunch underfoot. See that St John's foggy mist as it swirls in sinister tendrils through the trees.... Wow I scared myself!